Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The Naasseni and Isis
He also made use of a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term, ‘Mark of the Beast’.
Yet not only Paul VI but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ. Furthermore, this exhibition of a desiccated figure on a twisted stick was forbidden by Canon 1279, which condemned the usage of any sacred image that is not in keeping with the approved usage of the Church. That it was used for occult purposes may be seen in woodcuts shown in the Museum of Witchcraft in Bayonne, France.
[end of brief excerpt from Part Four -- see link for whole book]
The more ancient Satanic corruption is as follows (it is all totally of the Devil):
The heresy of the Naasseni (literally “Naas” is Hebrew for serpent, Gnostic Jews serpent worshipping Satanists) is adverted to by the other leading writers on heresy in the early age of the Church. See St. Irenaeus, i, 34: Origen, Contr. Cels., vi 28 (p. 291 et seq. ed. Spenc.); Tertullian, Proeser., c. 47 Theodoret, Haeretic. Fabul, i. 14; Epiphanius, Advers. Haereses., xxv. and xxxvii.: St. Augustine, De Haeres., xvii.; Jerome, Comment. Epist. ad Galat., lib. ii. The Abbe Cruice reminds his readers that the Naasseni carried their doctrines into India, and refers to the Asiatic Researches (vol. x. p. 39). It was from this that the main composers of Buddhist teachings, Nagarjuna (literally “wise snake”) and Ashvaghosha, got their ideas (early second century A.D.) which are at the real historical beginning of Buddhism and not the mythic beginning around 500 B.C. concurrent with Mahavira and Goshala.
The Abbe Cruice mentions the following works as of authority among the Gnostic Naasseni, and from whence they derived their system: The Gospel of Perfection, Gospel of Eve, The Questions of Mary, Concerning the Offspring of Mary, The Gospel of Philip, The Gospel according to (1) Thomas, (2) the Egyptians.
The Hebrew word is nachash. Hebrew for serpent and black magic and from whence comes the Indian word naga (serpent) and which is the same as nag in Nag Hammadi where the Gnostic writings were found a few decades ago and totally backed up everything that the Church Fathers said about the Gnostics.
paraton autoon logon. Bernaysius suggests for these words, patera too autoo logoo. Schneidewin regards the emendation as an error, and Bunsen partly so. The latter would read, patera ton autoon Logon, i.e., "The Naasseni honour the Father of all existent things, the Logos, as man and the Son of Man." That is they honor: Satan as God the Father which is absolute blasphemy, and Jesus Christ as only man and only one example of the Logos and born of Mary and Joseph and not by the virgin birth, which is also absolute apostasy. This is the same as the Jewish position today concerning Jesus Christ.
All of this has roots in the worship of the Egyptian Serpent Goddess Isis. Isis is a developed form of the Devil and its appearance in the early world as the great mother goddess, the very first was Nammu of post flood Osiria Sumeria-Mesopotamia. Tyche-Fortuna is the Graeco Roman version of Isis as the summation of all goddesses. The triple goddess is the final goddess of all. Isis is the summation of even the triple goddess.
The virgin goddess of black magic :
The ancient image of the beast was in fact the Harlot's representation in Rome, i. e. the images of Tyche (Fortuna) the goddess of fortune meaning fate or destiny. It was from Alexandria, Egypt (later on in the early third century, home of the neo-gnostic/christian school the Didascalia) in the early 2nd century A.D. that Valentinus brought the pseudo-christian gnostic gospel of Mary to Rome which St. Irenaeus (180 A.D.) so ably refuted in his “Against Heresies”. This so-called gospel of Mary (found in the Egyptian Nag Hammadi gnostic library in the 1940s) was nothing more than Isis and Horus the Egyptian false goddess/god child usurping the place of the true Jesus Christ Who by the Holy Spirit of the Father was truly born of (Incarnate and given birth to by) the virgin Mary. It was also in Alexandria that the title of Pope was first used in the third century long before it was picked up and used by the bishop of Rome.
Tyche was the goddess which was the summation, in the Graeco-Egyptian religion of the Graeco-Roman world, of all goddesses and therefore the beginning and end of all the poytheistic gods and goddesses of the ancient mediterranean world. The Cumaean, Tiburtine and Delphic sibyls were the principal fortune tellers of the Roman empire which would convince the citizens of the empire of the will of Rome (the beast from the sea). The beast from the earth was the false prophet i.e. sorcerers and magicians and Ceasar himself as pontifex maximus of the Roman religion. The three spirits out of the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet are the three sibyls above.
The precursor in Egypt, of Tyche as mother goddess summation of all the gods/goddesses, is the triple goddess Isis represented and invocated as Selene-Mene-Hecate. This is the absolute worst of the virgin goddess of black magic/sorcery in the history of the world.The representation is Isis as sorceress in her lunar and chthonic form united to the sky above and ruler of earth in between standing on the globe of the world around which a serpent is coiled.
The Gnostics, the tools of Satan
One statue still extant today of Isis as this sorceress is the Farnese Isis (Naples Museum). She holds the Intaglio (magic ring of the serpent uroboros, the serpent that eats it own tail). The formula of consecration is invoked by the power of the serpent with the crescent moon with two stars one on each end of the horns of the crescent moon forming the tang of the sorcerer/sorceress with the sun of Abraxas, the ancient god of all sorcery and black magic surmounted above that. Any resemblance to the false representation of Mary as the Immaculate Conception especially as shown on the so-called "Miraculous Medal" standing on the globe of the earth is NOT ACCIDENTAL.
In the fifth/sixth century A.D. the Syrian writings of Pseudo-Dionysios first appeared and were later added to. In this the ancient pagan idea of synthesizing, that is combining all the ancient gods/goddesses, an idea going back to the Graeco-Egyptian Hermes Trimegistus (Apollyon appearing as Hermes thrice blessed - a pagan false trinity), was put forth in gnostic psuedo christian dress. Included was Mary as the summation of all that is divine, i. e. the mother triple goddess. Sergei Bulgakov was condemned by his own church, the Russian Orthodox Church, as a heretic, in the first part of the 20th century for this same thing, in which Bulgakov attempted to make Mary the Hupostasis of God and the divinity by which each of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity of the True God is approached and in no other way. In short, it is a sophism to make her the triple goddess and replace the worship of the True Trinity with polytheistic/pantheism. This worship of Satan in place of the True God, the Most Holy Trinity will only bring utter destruction upon the earth.
For instance the Gnostics, according to the Church Fathers, basing themselves on the Naasseni (the apostate Jewish serpent worshipping Satanist priesthood cult which is the base for all Kabalah and the Zohar) copied much of their doctrine from Platonism, Graeco-Egyptian paganism and far eastern religiosity and claimed, totally falsely, that this is what Jesus taught. It is not at all what Jesus taught nor at all what Moses taught. The Gnostic doctrines are obvious in this plagiarizing of paganism and denial of the true Jesus Christ. In the East the Buddhist teaching of how Sakyamuni (Gotama), the Buddha, obtained his “enlightenment” is obviously diabolic and has a great deal in common with Graeco-Egyptian mysticism in the west; especially this is extremely similar to Simon Magus’ portrayal of himself entwined with snakes in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a man-god to be sought after as the ultimate teacher of true knowledge. The prime example: The Dragon Flower Tree (the banyan or pipal [fig] tree) from which the great white serpent from the abyss (the devil) granted Gotama (the Buddha) his “enlightenment” which consisted of his denying the I AM and being his own saviour. Otherwise known as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which in classical and traditional Catholic teaching is the first type of the devil. Gn:2:17: 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. (DRV)
Jesus Christ said:
The swastika is one of the so-called birth symbols of the buddha; in actuality it is an ancient sun symbol of paganism and black magic -- For the Diabolic Judaic corrupted cross instead of a real Crucifix also see:
[brief excerpt from Part Four]
Yet not only Paul VI but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ. Furthermore, this exhibition of a desiccated figure on a twisted stick was forbidden by Canon 1279, which condemned the usage of any sacred image that is not in keeping with the approved usage of the Church. That it was used for occult purposes may be seen in woodcuts shown in the Museum of Witchcraft in Bayonne, France.
[end of brief excerpt from Part Four -- see link for whole book]
The more ancient Satanic corruption is as follows (it is all totally of the Devil):
The heresy of the Naasseni (literally “Naas” is Hebrew for serpent, Gnostic Jews serpent worshipping Satanists) is adverted to by the other leading writers on heresy in the early age of the Church. See St. Irenaeus, i, 34: Origen, Contr. Cels., vi 28 (p. 291 et seq. ed. Spenc.); Tertullian, Proeser., c. 47 Theodoret, Haeretic. Fabul, i. 14; Epiphanius, Advers. Haereses., xxv. and xxxvii.: St. Augustine, De Haeres., xvii.; Jerome, Comment. Epist. ad Galat., lib. ii. The Abbe Cruice reminds his readers that the Naasseni carried their doctrines into India, and refers to the Asiatic Researches (vol. x. p. 39). It was from this that the main composers of Buddhist teachings, Nagarjuna (literally “wise snake”) and Ashvaghosha, got their ideas (early second century A.D.) which are at the real historical beginning of Buddhism and not the mythic beginning around 500 B.C. concurrent with Mahavira and Goshala.
The Abbe Cruice mentions the following works as of authority among the Gnostic Naasseni, and from whence they derived their system: The Gospel of Perfection, Gospel of Eve, The Questions of Mary, Concerning the Offspring of Mary, The Gospel of Philip, The Gospel according to (1) Thomas, (2) the Egyptians.
The Hebrew word is nachash. Hebrew for serpent and black magic and from whence comes the Indian word naga (serpent) and which is the same as nag in Nag Hammadi where the Gnostic writings were found a few decades ago and totally backed up everything that the Church Fathers said about the Gnostics.
paraton autoon logon. Bernaysius suggests for these words, patera too autoo logoo. Schneidewin regards the emendation as an error, and Bunsen partly so. The latter would read, patera ton autoon Logon, i.e., "The Naasseni honour the Father of all existent things, the Logos, as man and the Son of Man." That is they honor: Satan as God the Father which is absolute blasphemy, and Jesus Christ as only man and only one example of the Logos and born of Mary and Joseph and not by the virgin birth, which is also absolute apostasy. This is the same as the Jewish position today concerning Jesus Christ.
In the above the reliance of the Naasseni on the Mother Goddess is obvious. (The Gospel of Perfection, Gospel of Eve, The Questions of Mary, Concerning the Offspring of Mary, The Gospel of Philip, The Gospel according to (1) Thomas, (2) the Egyptians.)All of this has roots in the worship of the Egyptian Serpent Goddess Isis. Isis is a developed form of the Devil and its appearance in the early world as the great mother goddess, the very first was Nammu of post flood Osiria Sumeria-Mesopotamia. Tyche-Fortuna is the Graeco Roman version of Isis as the summation of all goddesses. The triple goddess is the final goddess of all. Isis is the summation of even the triple goddess.
The virgin goddess of black magic :
The ancient image of the beast was in fact the Harlot's representation in Rome, i. e. the images of Tyche (Fortuna) the goddess of fortune meaning fate or destiny. It was from Alexandria, Egypt (later on in the early third century, home of the neo-gnostic/christian school the Didascalia) in the early 2nd century A.D. that Valentinus brought the pseudo-christian gnostic gospel of Mary to Rome which St. Irenaeus (180 A.D.) so ably refuted in his “Against Heresies”. This so-called gospel of Mary (found in the Egyptian Nag Hammadi gnostic library in the 1940s) was nothing more than Isis and Horus the Egyptian false goddess/god child usurping the place of the true Jesus Christ Who by the Holy Spirit of the Father was truly born of (Incarnate and given birth to by) the virgin Mary. It was also in Alexandria that the title of Pope was first used in the third century long before it was picked up and used by the bishop of Rome.
Tyche was the goddess which was the summation, in the Graeco-Egyptian religion of the Graeco-Roman world, of all goddesses and therefore the beginning and end of all the poytheistic gods and goddesses of the ancient mediterranean world. The Cumaean, Tiburtine and Delphic sibyls were the principal fortune tellers of the Roman empire which would convince the citizens of the empire of the will of Rome (the beast from the sea). The beast from the earth was the false prophet i.e. sorcerers and magicians and Ceasar himself as pontifex maximus of the Roman religion. The three spirits out of the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet are the three sibyls above.
The precursor in Egypt, of Tyche as mother goddess summation of all the gods/goddesses, is the triple goddess Isis represented and invocated as Selene-Mene-Hecate. This is the absolute worst of the virgin goddess of black magic/sorcery in the history of the world.The representation is Isis as sorceress in her lunar and chthonic form united to the sky above and ruler of earth in between standing on the globe of the world around which a serpent is coiled.

The Gnostics, the tools of Satan
One statue still extant today of Isis as this sorceress is the Farnese Isis (Naples Museum). She holds the Intaglio (magic ring of the serpent uroboros, the serpent that eats it own tail). The formula of consecration is invoked by the power of the serpent with the crescent moon with two stars one on each end of the horns of the crescent moon forming the tang of the sorcerer/sorceress with the sun of Abraxas, the ancient god of all sorcery and black magic surmounted above that. Any resemblance to the false representation of Mary as the Immaculate Conception especially as shown on the so-called "Miraculous Medal" standing on the globe of the earth is NOT ACCIDENTAL.
In the fifth/sixth century A.D. the Syrian writings of Pseudo-Dionysios first appeared and were later added to. In this the ancient pagan idea of synthesizing, that is combining all the ancient gods/goddesses, an idea going back to the Graeco-Egyptian Hermes Trimegistus (Apollyon appearing as Hermes thrice blessed - a pagan false trinity), was put forth in gnostic psuedo christian dress. Included was Mary as the summation of all that is divine, i. e. the mother triple goddess. Sergei Bulgakov was condemned by his own church, the Russian Orthodox Church, as a heretic, in the first part of the 20th century for this same thing, in which Bulgakov attempted to make Mary the Hupostasis of God and the divinity by which each of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity of the True God is approached and in no other way. In short, it is a sophism to make her the triple goddess and replace the worship of the True Trinity with polytheistic/pantheism. This worship of Satan in place of the True God, the Most Holy Trinity will only bring utter destruction upon the earth.
In the summation of all Heresies and Apostasies and Blaspheming of the Holy Spirit known as Vatican II, Bulgakov's blasphemous system was inculcated by name and in this same false teaching of Bulgakov to make the Antitheotokos the virgin goddess of black magic to support all of the false apparitions (heretofor condemned), supposedly of Mary, and make these apparitions accepted and thereby bring in KNOWINGLY the Gnostic evolutionary Monism - Pantheism of this "ecumenical council of thieves".
For instance the Gnostics, according to the Church Fathers, basing themselves on the Naasseni (the apostate Jewish serpent worshipping Satanist priesthood cult which is the base for all Kabalah and the Zohar) copied much of their doctrine from Platonism, Graeco-Egyptian paganism and far eastern religiosity and claimed, totally falsely, that this is what Jesus taught. It is not at all what Jesus taught nor at all what Moses taught. The Gnostic doctrines are obvious in this plagiarizing of paganism and denial of the true Jesus Christ. In the East the Buddhist teaching of how Sakyamuni (Gotama), the Buddha, obtained his “enlightenment” is obviously diabolic and has a great deal in common with Graeco-Egyptian mysticism in the west; especially this is extremely similar to Simon Magus’ portrayal of himself entwined with snakes in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a man-god to be sought after as the ultimate teacher of true knowledge. The prime example: The Dragon Flower Tree (the banyan or pipal [fig] tree) from which the great white serpent from the abyss (the devil) granted Gotama (the Buddha) his “enlightenment” which consisted of his denying the I AM and being his own saviour. Otherwise known as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which in classical and traditional Catholic teaching is the first type of the devil. Gn:2:17: 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. (DRV)
Jesus Christ said:
1 ¶ Amen, amen, I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber.
2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
7 Jesus therefore said to them again: Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
8 All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers: and the sheep heard them not.
9 I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved: and he shall go in and go out, and shall find pastures.
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they may have life and may have it more abundantly.
11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep.
12 But the hireling and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming and leaveth the sheep and flieth: and the wolf casteth and scattereth the sheep,
13 And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep.
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